Gary Snowdon invites you to
Fly fishing on Small Streams.

I thought I would make this web page because there is so much wrote both in magazines and on the web regarding lake fly-fishing.
Fishing for trout in stock and take lake I believe is no comparison to the excitement and the relaxation that you obtain from the challenge of a small river and stream.
I fish the River Blyth, which is in Northumberland, every day, the fishing condition and the scenery is different. Every fishing trip is a different challenge; I have to change my fly to match the light, flow and the hatch.
As a river has more recognisable "haunts"/swims have characters and I assure you contain some fish, which are as well.
I know of a particular swim, which a park path runs along side the river.
As the River Blyth runs steeply round a corner the river runs over a rock bed.
I see this particular trout every other trip down there. The fish sees me and I see the fish, I don't think it will ever get caught!
I hope my web page is informative, I have just wrote about the things I think work so if you have any tips and tricks please email me:

Small Stream Nympths.
Small Stream Dry Flies.
Small Stream Wet Fies.
Tips and Tricks.
The Mystery of Night Fishing.
The Lady of the Stream.
A Little page about me.
Further sources of information.